Have you been tempted to start that latest fad diet you seen on TV? Well, you most likely know that these programs rarely, if ever, work to keep the weight off permanently. Sure, you will most likely shed a few pounds the first week or two on the new diet, but chances are 99% that the pounds will come back as soon as you stop the new diet plan. With that said, here are five reasons why most all fad diets never work.
1. These weight loss plans do not actually help you lose your body fat. What you end up losing is usually only water and some muscle weight. The fat is still sitting there, and that's not what you want to see happening. You want to get rid of belly fat, not water weight. What happens next is that when you stop you'll just gain back all of the weight you've just lost.
2. Nearly all of the fad diets are difficult at best to try and follow correctly. Naturally, when you are on a diet you're going to have some cravings for some of the foods you really like, foods that you are now supposed to stay away from. It's no different from a smoker who is trying to quit. It's tough to give them up "cold turkey." The problem is that if you indulge in even a little of these foods, you'll regain the weight you've lost. So, you get stressed out and eventually cave in, setting yourself up for failure.
3. The new diet actually causes your metabolism to slow down. You want your metabolism running high in order to burn the most amount of fat. In order to accomplish this you must eat the right types of foods at the right times to keep your body working properly. These are also the foods that give you the energy you need to exercise!
4. Fad diets often have you eating foods you don't like. When you force yourself to follow a diet plan it often means denying yourself the foods you love and forcing yourself to eat things you really don't want. If you are eating foods you don't like, you are more likely to cheat on your diet. A better approach is to simply eat less of those favorite foods instead of cutting them out altogether.
Another good tip here is to stop eating later in the evening. Having a late night "run for the border" may sound tempting, but your body can't burn off the calories and fat because you are going to bed shortly. The results? Your body simply stores them as fat.
These are only 4 reasons why fad diet plans never work. If you are going to start any new weight loss plan be sure it allows you to eat a mix of some of your favorite foods, in moderation of course, along with some exercise. Don't fall for one of those 1000 calorie a day low fat plans that will only leave you more frustrated than you were before you started.
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