No matter what people say, the looks are as important as the mind and soul. For this reason hair loss can be such a dreadful and serious problem. The causes of this condition are many and different and unfortunately some of them are simply unavoidable. However, you can always do more to make your hair stronger and better looking. In this way you will certainly reduce the risk of distorting your looks.
Brush your hair gently and less frequently. Most people do no realize the damage they cause by pulling strongly and combing numerous times throughout the day. In fact, brushing in the morning and once again later on is more than sufficient for looking great. If this is impossible with your present hairstyle then you should definitely consider changing it.
Wear your hair as freely as possible, this tip is more for women. You can readily go without getting your hair twisted to make it curly and the effect will disappear quite quickly anyway. Having pony tails and buns can also cause the hair to be pulled unnecessarily. In fact, if you pay more attention to the way you have your hair tied back, you will notice that there is great pressure applied to your scalp.
Use a nurturing and preferably herbal shampoo. It is true that there are plenty of cosmetic products out there that promise you a great soft and shiny hair, but the truth is that most of them are not made to clean and sooth the scalp. So, do some research and pick a product that provides gentle yet sufficient cleaning. Many people with thin hair prefer to use baby shampoos.

Improve your diet to contain more protein, vitamins and minerals. You should try to have meat and dairy products as well as iron rich foods such as nettle and spinach. It goes without saying that the fruit and vegetables are excellent sources of all sorts of nutrients that can aid the prevention of hair loss.
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