The statistics on divorce rates across the country are abysmal. Did you know that the average percentage rate of divorce across the United States every year is thirty-three percent? Don't let yourself become a statistic  learn how to stop the divorce before it even becomes an issue. A successful marriage does not have to be against the norm. By following the helpful hints below, you can arm yourself with the power on how to stop the divorce.
1. Set aside a time every day to connect with your spouse
One way on how to stop the divorce is to utilize that chunk of time you carve out of your day to communicate with one another. Make sure that you have a time where there are no interruptions. If you have children, you might not want to make that time frame for communication right after a spouse gets home or while the kids are underfoot. That is just setting you both up for failure and is not the way on how to stop the divorce. Communication and making time with your spouse is important and provides a perfect outlet for you both to express your feelings and thoughts about what has happened throughout the day.
2. Respect your spouse's "personal" rules. 
Basically what this means is that you each have your own way that you wish to be treated and different ways that you feel loved by the other. For instance, you may feel appreciated and loved by your spouse actually telling you verbally. However, your spouse may feel appreciated and loved by the things that you do for him. Respecting and acknowledging each person's preferred style of showing emotions goes a long way on how to stop the divorce from happening.
3. One important method on how to stop the divorce 
proceeding from happening is to compliment and regularly show your appreciation for them. Making each other feel good is a surefire way on how to stop the divorce. Tell your spouse that they look good today; stick a note in their briefcase just to say that you are thinking about them. Leave a message on their work voice mail. There are a number of ways to compliment them and show them that you care.
4. Remember your wedding vows and remain faithful is tops on                  how to stop the divorce from ever happening. 
Nothing kills a relationship faster than infidelity. The trust is gone and it is so hard to recapture those feelings of love that you once shared. Numerous interviews and research studies with couples who have been married for over forty years all have one common element on how to stop the divorce - they all agree that no matter how bad things got, they always remained faithful to their partners.
5. Take care of yourself and look good.
If you feel good and are confident in yourself, those feelings are transferred to your spouse. Think of marriage as a never-ending project, always having to tweak things to maintain equilibrium. How to stop the divorce is to keep it from ever occurring to either one of you. Stay healthy, take the time to groom yourself and make yourself appear attractive for your spouse. In other words, do the things you did while you were dating! These efforts help keep those home fires burning!
How to stop the divorce from even becoming an issue takes a lot of hard work. You have no time to become complacent in your relationship. That is when things go wrong. If you and your spouse are fighting more than usual or not communicating at all, take the time to sit down and discuss what is going on. You may find yourself drawing closer together and that is the best option on how to stop the divorce from even happening.


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