Why do people continue to endure those annoying skin moles when it is so easy to remove them yourself, without the need for surgery
The thought of surgical removal has put many people off removing moles as it is expensive and has the potential to leave post-operative scarring. The thought of going under the knife is also a worry for many.
There are alternatives to surgical removal and here I outline five of the easiest ways to remove moles at home.
All of the following treatments require regular application to the mole and over night is often the best way. Simply apply any of the following solutions before bed and keep in place with a band-aid.
It must be stressed that these are not quick fixes, but they are effective mole removing procedures, given time.
Do not attempt to remove moles yourself if they are showing any signs of potential malignancy. Itching, bleeding or any changes taking place should be referred to a dermatologist before attempting any of the following treatments.
If you are looking to remove moles for purely cosmetic purposes, then feel free to try these methods.
1. Tea Tree Oil Mole Removal
Tea tree oil has been used as an antiseptic for many years and it is also well known for its anti-fungal properties. It can also be used for mole removal, simply by applying regularly. In time you will start to see changes to your mole and eventually it will drop off.
2. Baking Soda Mole Removal
This is another simple method successfully used for many years. Just mix a small quantity of baking soda with water to form a paste and then apply to the mole. Once again it will take time, but it does work.
3. Castor Oil Mole Removal
Castor oil is readily available and can be used for a number of medicinal problems around the home. It can be applied, just as all the previous solutions or you can combine it with the baking soda to make a paste, which speeds up the process.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar Mole Removal

Finally, if you can't wait for the above (fairly slow) treatments to work, you can use a commercial solution.
5. Mole Removing Creams
There are a few good mole removal creams available, that will get rid of moles quite quickly. They are generally herbal based and break down the mole quite quickly, often in days. They are easy to use and although a little more expensive than the previous home remedies outlined above, they are considerably cheaper than going for mole removal surgery.
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