If you recently found out you've got a little bundle of love growing in your stomach the first advice anyone ought to offer is to take all the advice of your physician. They did not make it through med school because of good looks! Listening will help make sure your baby is its healthiest and happiest when it arrives.
Do not worry too much about not gaining too much weight during the first trimester. With a lot of women going through morning sickness or having food aversions, it is usually hard to gain weight during this first phase. You will more then make up for it later on in your pregnancy.
Weight gain is inevitable for most women during pregnancy. Women of average weight will need to gain between 25 to 35 pounds, while women carrying twins will gain from 35 to 45 pounds. If you start out overweight do not try to diet during your pregnancy. Talk with your doctor to develop a healthy eating plan to ensure both you and your baby get all of the nutrients you each need.
Try exercise classes that are designed for pregnant women. Staying active is very important during pregnancy but it is also important that you exercise safely. Going to a class that is specifically created for pregnancy means that you will gain all the benefits of the exercise without doing any damage to your growing baby.
When you are pregnant, try to broil, bake or steam your food. These methods of food preparation are healthier for you and your baby, and play an essential role in helping you avoid unnecessary weight gain. If you go out to eat, ask your server to recommend dishes that are prepared using one of these methods.
When weight training while pregnant, switch your focus to your endurance instead of trying to build your strength. Exercising during pregnancy should be about maintenance not building new muscle. Work with lighter weights but increase the amount of repetitions you do to keep your body at optimum shape.
Eat fish throughout the course of your pregnancy! Studies have shown that the children of women who ate fish while they were pregnant are smarter, communicate better and have better motor skills than other children. It is important to talk to your doctor about which type of fish to eat; you want to avoid those with mercury, including Swordfish, Shark and King Mackerel.
The most important thing to do during pregnancy is to look after yourself. If your body says it is tired, then sleep if you can. There is no point trying to maintain high standards of home tidiness if you are going to be exhausted for nine months and not enjoying the pregnancy. Remember to give yourself a break and take as much time out for yourself as needed.
During pregnancy, watch the use of any over the counter medications. Some over the counter medications which are perfectly safe when you are not pregnant can pose a danger to your growing fetus. Even some that are considered safe might not have been tested extensively in pregnant women. It is always best to try natural remedies first, and discuss any medications with your physician.
Teen pregnancy rates are quickly rising in kids as young as 12. As alarming as this is, the risk can be greatly reduced by open communication between parent and child. Offer advice, talk about birth control as well as abstinence. And don't forget STD's. Your child needs to know, and you are his or her best ally!
If you are suffering from severe insomnia, consider asking your doctor about it. Your doctor will be able to offer you great advice that could help you rest more soundly. During your pregnancy, it is extremely important to be able to get a full night of sleep and your doctor may be able to recommend some helpful things to make it easier.
Don't be concerned about weight gain with pregnancy. Most women are worried about how much weight they will gain while pregnant but shouldn't. It is completely normal to gain 30-35 pounds during a healthy pregnancy. You should gain about 1 pound a week during the second trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnancy can be a stressful time for couples. So it is better to work on relationship issues as they arise than waiting until after the baby arrives. Counseling can help couples communicate better and strengthen your relationship, which in turn will help you both be better prepared to handle your new baby as partners.
Whether parents are expecting their first child or have experienced pregnancy before, they may well benefit from learning a little more about the process. Advice like what is in this article, can be of use to any soon-to-be parent. Pregnancy can be trying and any hints that help ease parents through it, will surely be appreciated.
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