There are several factors that can affect how fast your hair can grow and some of these diets, their health, but you are taking medication, hormonal factors, environmental influences, and even your stress level. growth is slowing down the older you get, that age is also considered, and, of course, your genetic project plays an important role. Normal growth is very difficult to define because it is significantly different from the person, but on average, our head hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per month tariff.
All that said, there are several things you can do to increase your growth potential and to encourage it to grow faster, but first it helps if you first have to understand the hair growth cycle and how the hair grows.
Growth Cycle
The average human head has about 100,000 , of which 90% are actively growing at the same time. This growth phase is known as the "anagen" and is one of the three phases of growth cycle. It takes a couple of years about six or even ten years in total have nothing against fall to the second stage, Catagen. This is where the next few weeks, the follicle is degraded and the stops growing. Finally, the hair is a resting phase or telogen, which lasts for several months and during this cycle, it is perfectly normal to throw a certain amount of hair that can be more than 100 hairs a day.
If you want to make our hair the best chance to grow faster and healthier, then we need to take full advantage of the growth phase of the cycle and make sure we do everything we can to reduce damage to hair follicles and maximizing hair growth potential.
Healthy hair growth depends on nutrients nourish the hair follicles, in particular, faster hair growth starts from the inside and diet. Any nutritional deficiencies in the diet, will appear as a dull, lifeless looking hair, poor hair growth, thinning hair and even hair loss, because you have a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables is very important. Fruits and vegetables contain important antioxidants that can help protect your hair and promote faster hair growth.
Hair is made up of proteins known as keratin that is not surprising, diet, lack of protein can interfere with hair health and growth. Many people still do not know how important it is to get enough omega-3 fatty acids in their diet, lack of which show the health of your hair. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fatty fish or fish oil supplements, and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can therefore reduce the potential for inflammation of the scalp, and how they help blood flow more efficiently, they also help to nourish the scalp.
Try massaging the scalp daily. Massage helps to stimulate blood circulation to hair follicles and remove dead skin and helps unclog pores, allowing hair to grow freely. A good time to massage your scalp by washing your hair.
What to avoid
Avoid tight and Pony tails, clips and clasps, elastic bands, or anything that restricts their hair on the head pressure on the skin, your hair should be left as free as possible as possible. Do not clean the hair of a cruel, it can damage your hair, as well as irritate the scalp.

and wash your hair too, especially shampoos containing harsh chemicals can remove the natural oils in your scalp, it is important to use good quality shampoo and conditioner and avoid washing your hair every day if you can.
The best way to promote faster hair growth is to adopt a dual approach. First, make sure that everything is right on the inside, eating a healthy and balanced diet and a second attempt to remove or all of the factors that can damage the hair or scalp and slows growth. In turn, this will give your hair the best chance to develop their full potential, not only faster but healthier too.
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