Have you ever noticed little bits of skin, usually in our armpits, under your bra or sometimes on your face? These are commonly called "skin tags." Some of the causes for skin tags are friction, age and heredity. Although skin tags do seem to be more prevalent in obese people, as skin folds are a very common place to find them, they can be found on anyone.
The main cause of a skin tag is friction. Friction of your clothes against your skin, or even skin against skin. That is why they seem to be found more commonly in armpits, bra lines and in the groin area. Although they will form anywhere on the body, like eyelids, neck, and on your back. In reality, anywhere you have skin.

Skin tags can become painful and irritated from all the friction. Removal of the affected skin tag is usually an easy and almost painless procedure performed in the Doctor's office. Larger skin tags may require a local anesthesia and occasionally a stitch to control the minimal bleeding.
Facial skin tags can be removed for cosmetic reasons leaving no, to minimal scarring. For a skin tag on the eyelids, you will probably need to see an ophthalmologist who will be trained to treat this delicate area.
Though skin tags are benign, you should always have any growth checked out by a Doctor. You want to be sure it is a skin tag that you have, and nothing more serious.
Having skin tags myself, I know how irritating they can be, just remember, there is really nothing you can do to prevent them. If you have skin tags and they are causing you discomfort, definitely see your Doctor so he can remove them.
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