How do I lose tummy fat fast It's the number one concern for many people struggling to get the healthy, sexy stomach they want. The problem with belly fat is that it's one of the most difficult places to lose weight. Today I'm going to talk about two quick tips to lose belly fat, without starving yourself or taking a bunch of useless "magic bullet" formulas that don't do anything to lose stomach fat.
Real quick, before I give you those tips, I want to urge you to resist the temptation to turn to unhealthy shortcuts to lose fat quick, specifically with diet pills and expensive, potentially dangerous surgeries. Such drastic measures are unnecessary; there are a couple of excellent programs out there that will help you lose belly fat naturally, and I'll give you some information about them at the end of this article. Now, ready for your tips?
My tips today are about eating foods to lose belly fat.
* This works like a charm: Beat the late afternoon munchies by eating a small snack between 3 and 4pm each day. To help lose fat, it should be something with protein and fiber.
Almonds or low-fat cheese, plus an apple, are a fantastic one-two punch that help regulate your blood sugar levels the rest of the day, especially at night when many people overeat.
This afternoon snack is important because it's part of what I call the "lose tummy fat diet." This diet, along with exercises to lose belly fat, helps you minimize the insulin levels in your blood. Too much insulin leads to a fat storage around the waist. Control your insulin, control your cravings, and get that flat sexy tummy by eating the right foods at the right time!
* Nix the sugar...use an organic sweetener instead. Sugar should be kept to an absolute minimum if you want to lose body fat quickly.

The Secret Way to Lose the Belly Fat
Psst! I'll let you in on the secret...there is NO secret! If only it were as easy as eating apples, almonds, cheese and Stevia and lose abdominal fat! So let's be honest, you're going to need to make some changes in your lifestyle. But don't get scared off...if losing stomach fat, along with other body fat, is important to you, there are several excellent programs out there that combine the best exercises to lose stomach fat with simple, healthy, TASTY nutrition.
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