There are lots of people all over the world who are suffering from hair loss especially women have great percentage among all. No one has ever tried to know reasons for hair loss and people normally don't bother to search reasons for hair loss. There are number of reasons for hair loss in men and women but among women hair loss is very common because of the following reasons.
One of the major causes of hair loss is genetics Research has shown that if any of parents has hair loss disease then it will likely to transfer to next generation. Such women have to take extra care to their hair otherwise, they can be bald. This happens by the actions of pair of enzymes called aromatase and 5-a reductase.
With the passage of time, estrogen level decreases in a woman and it is not produced in the same when she was younger and the result is hair loss. Hormonal imbalance because of menstrual cycle is also another reason for hair loss.
There are certain medicines that cause hair loss among women and these medicines include diabetes medications, chemotherapy, antidepressants, auto immune disorders and scalp yeast infections. These all medications contain some elements that weaken the roots of hair and ultimately cause hair loss among women. Such medicines should be avoided. Every medicine should be consulted in advance with your doctor if you have hair loss problem with you.
Anxiety and Frustration:

These all factors are great contributors in hair loss and you can overcome them to some extent but cannot control them at all. There are many available treatments for hair loss but if you cannot eliminate these factors then you cannot find any permanent solution to get rid of hair loss.
You should take healthy diet, make yourself relax, avoid such medications which have elements to weaken your hair and take proper medicine if you have got this hair loss in inheritance.
You should take healthy diet, make yourself relax, avoid such medications which have elements to weaken your hair and take proper medicine if you have got this hair loss in inheritance.
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