Baldness and male-pattern balding is an affliction suffered by thousands of men, and could be a real source of insecurity and embarrassment for those not prepared to lose their hair or shave their head. Worse, and more devastating are the more youthful cases where the hair loss process begins long before a man even reaches his thirtieth birthday. So what are your options if you are one of these men, desperately losing your hair before your time
Well, you can do what many others do - shave your head for the sake of uniformity. Masses of men look good with a shaved head - it just fits their personality and style, and they seem comfortable that way.
The other option, of course, is to try one of the hair loss products that a couple of reputable manufacturers now offer, both in prescription and nonprescription form. While there's still no'magic pill' that can unflinchingly guarantee every man ( and girl ) who takes it will re-grow their hair, there are some terribly promising and effective hair loss products and treatments currently on the market and also underway.
Propecia, Rogaine ( Monoxadil ), Avacor and Proxiphen are just one or two of the top prescription and nonprescription hair loss products on the market today, and they have all had varying quantities of success in re-growing their client's hair.
there also are several vitamins that have been specifically formulated both for thinning hair and to market the fast expansion of healthy, glossy hair. Vitamins for thinning hair and quicker hair growth and re-growth are usually a varying mixture of several key amino acids, biotin, vitamins B6 and E, and zinc.
Here's a little tip to help stimulate hair growth - massage the scalp. And, it's relaxing and it feels good, so it's not such a chore!

Some medications may also cause or irritate hair loss. Avoid tight or'pulling' hairstyles like high or tight ponytails and cornrows, and also stay away from harsh chemical treatments such as perms and other probably fluctuating, damaging hair treatments. classic hair loss treatments, prescription and nonprescription, often take about six months before you can tell they are working, so patience is an absolute must. There's no overnight fix to hair loss unfortunately.
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