DIY mole removal, or do-it-yourself mole removal, sounds like something you learn about on the discovery channel. However, if you have a mole on your face or elsewhere on your body that is causing you to cringe, then I want to share with you common house hold ingredients that kill the pigmented mole cells and clear your skin.
DIY Mole Removal Ingredients
Basically getting rid of a mole will need a slightly acidic compound. This could be the juice of certain fruits such as sour apples, pineapples, pomegranates, onions, or cauliflower. You may be wondering how you extract juice from some of these items.
You can do this in a couple of ways. First you could use a blender and grind the fruit into a semi-liquid state. Another option is to find the juice extract at your local health food store.
Castor oil is readily available in most local drug stores and is another remedy that contains an acidic component. Yet castor oil is milder on your skin. In fact, a derivative of castor oil has been approved by the FDA for use on common skin problems and it is used in remedies for acne. It is also a common ingredient in items such as lipstick, lip gloss, and shampoo because it can soften skin and hair.
DIY Mole Removal Procedures
DIY mole removal procedures will vary depending on which DIY mole removal ingredient you choose. Having said that, you will generally need to prep your mole before applying the remedy and then repeat applications up to several times a day.
Not all at home remedies have you prep your mole before application, however, I find this to be the most efficient method.
The reason prepping your mole is useful is because it allows the layers of pigment within the mole to be exposed to the active removal ingredient. This could speed things along for you.
Also, many of the acidic juices have you apply the juice directly. This can be fine; however, I prefer to mix the acidic juice or castor oil into a paste with other ingredients. This allows for a thicker application, which is easier to work with and you will find it easier to keep a paste on top of the mole, away from sensitive skin surrounding your mole.
One last consideration is how to protect your skin that surrounds your mole as you apply the DIY mole removal ingredients. As I stated, earlier, you will be working with an acidic ingredient. Even though this is mildly acidic, you will need to repeat the applications over time and this can cause a burn on your skin.
I recommend first applying a thin layer of Vaseline to the skin that surrounds your mole (not covering the mole) and then applying the paste directly to the mole. This will prevent any damage to your skin and leave you with a much more pleasant experience in the long run.
Considerations before Using DIY Mole Removal Techniques
I have outlined some popular DIY mole removal methods for you in this article. However, you should not just jump into your favorite technique without a note or two of caution.
1. Not all moles are candidates for DIY mole removal. If you have a normal mole, it is generally safe to use the DIY mole removal techniques described in this article. However, if your mole is abnormal (i.e. dysplastic mole) in appearance, shape, or color, then you need to consult with your doctor first.
Other characteristics to consider before using DIY mole removal methods are if your mole has just recently appeared on your skin (a new mole that appears on adult skin) or has changed in any way over the past few months or so. These characteristics could indicate a mole that is pre-cancerous or contains cancer cells and you need to consult with a doctor before removing.
Many people think that DIY mole removal methods are free from risk. And while using natural ingredients for mole removal may limit your risk of scarring or infection, you do need to monitor your progress.
Many of the natural ingredients for DIY mole removal have an acidic nature and therefore can burn the skin if you over-apply them. My suggestion is to move slowly but follow a set routine and take a close look at your mole during the removal process to be sure you are not seeing any unusual markings. You will see the mole change, but the skin around the mole should not be affected if you are doing things correctly.
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