Nail biting is a bad habit that is usually caused by stress, anxiety or boredom. It affects millions of people around the world from both sexes, adult and child. While biting your nails might not seem like a big deal at first, there are a number of good reasons why you should stop.
First off your fingers are literally crawling with bacteria. So when you put your fingers to your mouth you are ingesting harmful bacteria which can lead to illness or gum disease. Similarly biting your nails can lead to infections. Then there's the negative social aspect of nail biting. Biting your nails in public is seen as uncouth, and it leads to ugly, jagged fingernails and red raw fingers.
Now we know why you should stop, here are some helpful tips to stop nail biting.
1. Trim your nails regularly.
If you cut your nails down as low as you can (without causing pain or damage) then it becomes very hard to bite them as there's nothing to get at.
2. Wear nail polish
Nail polish tastes pretty darn disgusting, so every time you chew on your nails you will get a horrible taste in your mouth. Over time your mind will begin to associate biting your nails with an unpleasant experience and put a stop to the habit.
3. Gloves
Wearing gloves whenever possible is a surefire way to stop nail biting as the gloves make it impossible to do so.
4. Relax more
If your nail chewing habit is caused chiefly by stress and anxiety then you can combat this by taking more time out to relax. There are many ways you can relax including taking a long bath, listening to classical music, reading a good book and physical activity. This should help you lower your stress and anxiety levels and make you less likely to bite your nails.
5. Keep your hands busy

6. Hypnosis
Studies show that hypnosis can be a tremendous aid in putting a stop to biting fingernails. It is used to change many bad habits such as smoking, overeating and teeth grinding. You can find specialist nail biting hypnosis sessions on the internet recorded by fully qualified hypnotists for less than $10. Not only do they directly help you to stop nail biting but they also aid relaxation, which as mentioned above can play a big part in stopping nail biting.
I trust that these six tips to stop nail biting will work for you and allow you to overcome your bad habit.
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